North Yorkshire County Council
Business and Environmental Services - Executive Members & Corporate Director Meetings - Department
Friday, 25 March 2022 / 2.00 pm
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Apologies for Absence
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Declarations of Interest
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Exclusion of the public from the meeting during consideration of item(s) # on the grounds that it/they each involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in the paragraph(s) # of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 as amended by the Local Government (Access to information)(Variation) Order 2006
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Community Transport Funding Dianne Pottage
Items for Executive Member decision |
5 |
Local Transport Authority Capacity Grant (Pages 3 - 12)
Louise Neale |
Items for Corporate Director decision |
6 |
Highways Design Guide Commuted Sums and Highway Drainage Supplementary Guidance (Pages 13 - 72)
Emily Mellalieu |
7 |
York and North Yorkshire Resilience Innovation Project Update (Pages 73 - 84)
Emily Mellalieu |
8 |
Update on Highway Grass Cutting (Pages 85 - 98)
James Gilroy |
9 |
Highways Capital Programme 2022-23 (Pages 99 - 110)
James Gilroy |
10 |
Marage Path and Whitby Swing Bridge (Pages 111 - 126)
Philip Richardson |
11 |
Opposed Public Path Order to divert a Bridleway at Oak House Hawnby (Pages 127 - 134)
Penny Noake |
12 |
DEFRA Consultations on the Introduction of Mandatory Digital Waste Tracking and the Reform of Waste Carrier Broker Dealer Registration in England (Pages 135 - 186)
Peter Jeffreys |
Executive Members |
Officer attendees |
Presenting Officers |
Derek Bastiman Don Mackenzie |
Karl Battersby Jane Connolly
Emily Mellalieu Louise Neale James Gilroy Phil Richardson Dianne Pottage Penny Noake Peter Jeffreys |